Manically Organic & Mindful in May

One fine day in April as I tweeted my little heart out, one handle in particular caught my eye.  I don’t remember exactly how I came across it but with a bio that struck a chord I found myself following Mindful in May.  A ‘campaign combining meditation and contribution’, the idea generated a sense of instant awareness. 

With a busy life and lots of big changes I became conscious that I hadn’t been very kind to me of late.  The thing with self-preservation is that doesn't stop at the self; when we’re kind to ourselves it means we're in a better place to be kind to others.  As a philanthropist at heart I realised the recent lack of self-preservation quite simply wouldn't do.  In addition to being Mindful in May I’ve decided that I’m going #manicallyorganic.

I’ve heard all sorts of arguments for and against choosing organic.  But with a penchant for burning the candle from all directions and as a life member of #insomniaclub I'm up for anything that supports improved health and happiness.  Surely if it means putting fewer chemicals in and around our bods it can't be a bad thing.  So from the month of May I’m aiming to be #manicallyorganic and deliver it to you via a tweet or two.

Feel free to join in or share your fave little organic place or product below.

With love, LittleMissMelbourne xoxo
Check out Mindful in May
Be #manicallyorganic with LMM on Twitter.