This year's foodie fundraiser for Red Kite.
Phew - what a crazy busy time of year! Fortunately, none of it's pointless, particularly tonight's very exciting event at the Sofitel Melbourne, Eat Street 2013.
I'm so excited about this event because it involves food, Melbourne's top chefs, signature dishes, wine, socialising - ALL FOR CHARITY! Food doesn't feel much better than this.
This year's Eat Street will see the Sofitel transformed into a big circus top to house over 800 guests and raise funds for children's cancer charity, Red Kite.
It's kicking off at 6pm TONIGHT so keep your eyes on Twitter and Instagram for vibrant pictorials, and take some time to check out Red Kite and all the awesome work they do.
I'm so excited about this event because it involves food, Melbourne's top chefs, signature dishes, wine, socialising - ALL FOR CHARITY! Food doesn't feel much better than this.
This year's Eat Street will see the Sofitel transformed into a big circus top to house over 800 guests and raise funds for children's cancer charity, Red Kite.
It's kicking off at 6pm TONIGHT so keep your eyes on Twitter and Instagram for vibrant pictorials, and take some time to check out Red Kite and all the awesome work they do.