Today I went for a 3pm breakfast at Village East on London’s Bermondsey Street. From the drool worthy menu, I liked the look of the avocado and fetta benedict – that’s eggs on toast with hollandaise sauce plus avo and fetta. Yum, right?
Only, I couldn’t decide between that and the bacon sandwich with avocado and chili jam. When I expressed this predicament to the very helpful and lovely waitress, she suggested the benedict with a side of bacon – brilliant! But I wasn’t too bothered about the hollandaise sauce, I said, and I rather liked the sound of the chili jam.
She nodded compassionately at the severity of this serious foodie dilemma.
Shrugging, compromising, she offered ‘why don’t we just swap out the hollandaise with the chili jam?’ This sounded like an excellent plan to me. Let’s go with the avocado and fetta benedict, with a side of bacon, hold the hollandaise, add the chili jam.
Oh, and can I please have that on gluten free?
Of course.
...Oh, and just a half serve? *insert wince from me*
No. Problem. Apparently they get this all the time (I think she was just being kind).
It’s worth mentioning, at this point, the entire exchange occurred entirely sans note pad and pen. I think all of that alone rates the service at Village East pretty damn high.
As for the food, it hit the spot. The smoked bacon had the right consistency of meat vs fat, a good mix of avocado and fetta, and delicious grainy GF toast – eloquently balanced with the desirable chili jam sauce.
The delicious by-product of foodie FOMO
Around the Village East logo on the front of the menu are the promising words, ‘neighbourly’ and ‘hospitality’. It pleases my brand and content soul to no end when I see a business really walking their talk.
Big thanks to the host who found me a perfect laptop-friendly Sunday-writing corner, the waitress who so gracefully eased my culinary FOMO and the kitchen for being so flexible – and dishing up a wonderful, bespoke London afternoon brunch.
Forever indecisive,
Little Miss Melbourne xoxo
Sunday brunch runs from 9am to 4pm on Sundays at Village East, 171-173 Bermondsey Street, London.
A note that the WIFI is not very good so if you need to do some surfing I’d suggest BYO internet. Or, just don’t work on a Sunday. Now there’s an idea.